
My rants, raves, reviews and braggings. With a little Aussie humor thrown in!!
Snowy the world's largest white croc.
well the sign says it all
A male Peacock in full plumage is surely among the most beautiful and spectacular
The Black-necked Stork, or Jabiru, is the only stork found in Australia. Standing at a height of 129 - 137 cm, with black and white body plumage, glossy dark green and purple neck and massive black bill, it is easily distinguished from all other Australian birds. The legs are long and coral-red in colour. The female is distinguished by its yellow eye. Immature birds resemble adults, but the black plumage is replaced by brown and the white plumage is duskier.
are a large flightless bird and very shy but when cornered can lash out dangerously with their claws their feet possess a large inner claw which can be deadly.
Here i am holding 2 year old Crocodile its mouths taped
as it can cause a very nasty injury like loosing a finger or taking a large nice
chunk out of your hand
The birthday girl with 3 of my beautiful grandchildren - Kayne (standing) Rylie (left) Maddison (right) and Ron
Okay the candles are all blown out (with a little help), its time to cut the cake, the girls are keeping a close watch that I dont touch the bottom, because we all know that if you do, you have to kiss the closest boy - YUCK !!!
My mate Irene or as we affectionatly call her "izee". Notice the glass is empty and the slight glow to the cheeks, yes we were having a few Brandy & Dry's. Of course for me it was medicinal !!
Ron & Irene in my back yard, winding down after a big day.
Finishing off with a couple JOkes
The Lost City
The Lost City is an area of unusual sandstone pillars and block formations evoking the ruins of a long forgotten civilisation that have been sculpted by wind and rain over thousands of years.
Sunset from tour bus window
End of a very informative and most enjoyable tour and a very long day over .
Arriving back at Leepoint About 9pm
Tolmer Falls, in magnificent Litchfield National Park, cascades over high escarpments into a deep plunge pool. A short walk takes you to a viewing platform at the top of the most spectacular waterfalls in Litchfield. Access to the bottom of the falls has been restricted to protect the habitat of colonies of ghost bats and orange horseshoe bats. Continue on the walk past some lovely small rock pools above the falls.
“The spectacular Florence Falls, , cascade into a plunge pool, set in a pocket of monsoon forest. Joanne took a refreshing dip in the plunge pool, then we enjoyed a scenic walk to the viewing platform high above the Falls, which affords views of the waterhole below.More Photo's to follow of the tour .Nature walk , croc farm .etc.
Well I thought it was about time I did a little bragging ...
This is a pic of my nephew Kayne, besides being a great looking young man (which he gets from his aunty !!) he is also a great and mad Karts fanatic, he races at local meets and also competes in national competions. Well he raced at Rochester in the third round of the 2006 Golden Power Series, and was placed 2nd in the Junior National Heavies & 3rd in the Junior Clubman class. We, the family, are so very proud of all his achievements. He even made the headlines in the sports section of two of our local newspapers.
Mother & father (Donna & Brett) still have not come down from there high, and I cant say I blame them. Brett is already talking Formula 1 .. nothing like having a dream and aiming for the top !!!!
Here are a few pics that were taken by the sports photographer on the day.
Kaynes Kart #34.
Kayne (furthest on right) accepting his 2nd place trophy .. look at that smile, it will take alot to wipe that from his dial !!!