Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jen's back

G'day to all my friends in blogland and hope your all well wherever you maybe.
I'm very happy to say I'm back. On my last visit to my eye specialist I got a good report, the fluid in my retinas has cleared up, I still have to use drops for another 2 weeks and he (Dr. Nic)has given me the ok to go ahead and get tested for new glasses, hopefully I will only need them for reading and close work - Yippeeeee !!!! . A big thank you to Carol for looking after me and being my driver for many weeks taking me to all my appointments and taking me wherever I wanted to go.

Now on with a few photo's of Peter and Merle's luncheon visit where we all had a lovely day chatting, catching up and filled with lots of laughter. A lovely day was had by all.
Please click on all photo's to enlarge
Peter, Carol, Myself and Merle (Pauline taking photo!)

Getting ready to tucker down, Peter cracking the wine open - Carol cooked a lovely lunch, pumpkin soup, garlic bread, quiche (Egg and Bacon pie for the blokes), chicken and salad, followed by a lovely ginger fluff cake. Was so YUMMMM thanks again Cazz another job well done.

Peter trying to determine Cazz's bra size - or was he just going for a grope!
Merle never arrives empty handed, she bought me a lovely hanging basket
I managed to turn Cazz into a tea totalling, knitting old granny (her words), here she is putting together the knitted squares for her first "Nanna Blankie!" (12 x 14)

Penny always ready to lend a paw.

I knitted the squares, but Cazz had to sew them together for me as I was unable to see to do the fine work. This blanket was requested by Serayha (Cazzs' daughter) - she wanted a mosh posh of colours, bright and cheerful - think I managed to do that ! (16 x 16) 256 squares
Up the stairs to visit the Eye Specialist (Dr. Nic)

Leaving here (Dr Nic's) for the last time

As I'm still finding reading a little difficult, I will slowly get around to your blogs with magnifing glass in hand until my new glasses arrive - I promise ! Thanks for all your well wishes they all mean so much xxxxooooxxxx



Blogger Mike Golch said...

G'Day and welcom back.I have a wisecrack about Pete,maybe he's trying to be a human bra.(just my weird sence of humor show up)

December 13, 2009 3:50 pm  
Blogger Peter said...

Yeah Mike, thats it a human bra, boy my hands were only just big enough though.
Good to see you back Jan, hope the progress is quick and permanent.

December 13, 2009 7:40 pm  
Blogger Hootin Anni said...

Excellent news! You've been missed terribly. I'm so glad you're back and I'm very happy to hear that your eyes are all improved. Wow, what a knitting job that was. And your little Penny helping is too darling.

Peter? Measuring? Well, I'll leave it there...

Happy day!!

December 13, 2009 11:55 pm  
Blogger  Gigi Ann said...

G'day Jen,

I am so glad to see you are back and the eyes are improving. The knit blankets are lovely. Now was the bra sizing before or after Pete cracked open that bottle of wine?

Glad you are well and back. WELCOME BACK!!!!


December 14, 2009 1:34 am  
Blogger Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Jeannette,

I'm glad your back. It was so good of Carol to take care of you while you healed.

Take care.

December 14, 2009 8:54 am  
Blogger Marjorie said...

Hi Jen,

I have been checking daily for a post from you.

I am relieved to hear you are improving, and wish you a complete recovery before Christmas.

Love your blankets. My little dogs would always sit on my quilts when I was putting them together. Darling, aren't they?

December 14, 2009 11:58 am  
Blogger Cathy said...

Hello Jen
Its so good to have you back - and just before Christmas at that. Now you'll have to sit still and let them all look after you over this holiday period won't you.
Love the look of the brown rug - you metioned how many square but didn't say what size the squares were 6" 8" do you remember?
Take care

December 14, 2009 1:59 pm  
Blogger Puss-in-Boots said...

Welcome back, Jen. Glad to here the retinal fluid has cleared up. That would have been a worry.

Peter never misses an opportunity, does he???

Keep well and if I don't get back beforehand, have a wonderful Christmas.


December 14, 2009 7:33 pm  
Blogger Merle said...

Hello Dear Jan ~~ Great to see yo back with s and I am so glad the eyes have improved at last and you won't know yourself with new glasses. A nuisance to have to change the left lens in a few months, But we need you to see. Carol has been very good looking after you, and it was great to finally meet her. Peter of course has known her for years.
I hope you get through Pennant before the heat gets too much to bear tomorrow. Take great care, dear friend. Love, Merle.

December 15, 2009 12:40 am  
Blogger Tinsie said...

Welcome back! Nice to hear you are truly on the mend xx

December 15, 2009 12:58 am  
Blogger Jim said...

Welcome back Jan! You were sorely missed and muchly prayed for and well worth the wait!

It looks like you had a nice get-to-gether with Peter and Merle. And isn't that Cazz a sweetheart! I do wish she could have found time to write a bit, I really enjoyed the time she went wild here before.

You can just come and look at the pictures on my blog. Our new grandkid is growing like a weed.
Saturday she visited Santa so those pictures are current right now. She and Santa hit it off really good right off.

Again, glad to have you back with such a good report. Those eyes can get very scary.

December 15, 2009 5:25 pm  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Good on you, Jen! That's great news about your eyes. Just in time for Christmas!

December 16, 2009 11:29 pm  
Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Welcome back, Jeanette. Good news that your eyes are on the improve. Love the photos ... would have loved to have caught up with Peter myself, when he was in Melbourne !! We are heading up to the Murray, near Cobram, on Boxing Day for a couple of weeks ... can't wait ... it's such an amazing part of the world ... nothing beats the Murray River.
Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog ... my posts are few and far between !!
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Take care,
Connie xx

December 17, 2009 8:53 pm  
Blogger Ingrid said...

Wow ! that indeed was a long (forced) break ! I am glad that your eyes are better ! I thought you need a new glass like the one you are holding in your hand on above pictures, but you need two for your nose. It's terrible to have something at the eyes.
Your getting together looks like a lot of fun !
We had our first snow yesterday (rather seldom in Belgium) and the whole country was in a traffic chaos !

December 19, 2009 1:49 am  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi again Dear Jan ~~ I am so pleased and happy for you that your eyes have come good. When do you get glasses. Have a lovely Christmas with Carol and family and then home to greet the rest of the folks. I am sure you will all have a great time.
And I will enjoy my trip to Kathys,
and Geoff, Jo and 2 grown kids were
here today, John yesterday with his girl and her son, so ticking them off.
Geoff's daughter Michelle (25) and her boyfriend are going to live in England for a year on the 28th DEc.
That was a nice photo of Peter and me and so were the ones taken at your home. Merry Christmas, dear friend. Much love, Merle.

December 19, 2009 8:06 pm  
Blogger Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Jen. I'm sorry for not visiting for a while. I've been reading your previous posts and I'm glad to know that your eyes are doing better. Hope you'll continue to do better in the coming days. Take care my friend.

December 25, 2009 2:39 pm  

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