Thursday, January 28, 2010

Carol's Aussie Birthday bash

Gday all , Ive been in the land of missing once again.

WOW what a long weekend ive had, all the family arrived friday evening and stayed on till Tuesday as you will see by the pictures below it was Carol's (Cazz) birthday Saturday 23rd held at Brett and Donna's and being Australia day 26th long weekend Carol ask everyone to come dressed casual in Aussie theme.

Then Sunday it was all back to my home for for a BBQ lunch and a few more drinks these Pictures will make another blog.. A Great fun filled weekend was had by all.
Please click to enlarge any or all the pics,

The birthday Cake A typical Aussie Pavalova covered in cream and chocolate mint crisp ohhh so yummy what else do you have with Australiaday party theme.
The table laden with Aussie fare, Party pies, sausage rolls still in the oven .

Carol and Hubby Ian It also happened to be there 10th wedding anniversary

Carol. Joanne(standing)Christine (Gary's wife)Kristy (Marc's wife) and Donna

All dressed in our Aussie gear about to leave for the party

Joanne ,Colin with their 3, Timothy 10 Kara 8 Liam 6
Marc having a drink before we leave
HEHEHE Carol and Myself showing of our Tatts..

Carol with her Son Michael and Daughter Serayha

My 4 all together. Gary, birthday girl Carol, Joanne and Donna

Singing happy birthday Carol having a bit of fun
Carol getting the 1st slice of Pav.
Gary and Terry ( Nephew) having a drink and a chinwag
all lined up to start 3leggered race
Guess who won the three legged race
Carol had to have first hit at the Pinata with kids lined up for there turn all kids recieved a bag of sweets once it was broken, Duck Marc Carol nearly gottcha .
Maddison Getting into the action
Marc steading the post incase it fell when hit
Kara's concentrating on her aim
Kids trying to catch the Donut in their mouth without using their hands under the Aussie flag
Think the kids were having fun playing musical chairs. To finish of the day Brett cooking an Aussie BBQ. Snags (Sausages) smothered in tomato sauce in bread and butter Time to say Goodnight.
A wonderfull fun filled day night weekend was had by all.



Blogger Marjorie said...

Jeanette, What fun you all had on Carol's 50th. You Aussies know how to throw a party :)))

I love pavlova, my grandmother used to make the greatest one with strawberries. You are making my mouth water talking about the sausage rolls that were still in the oven. I really miss a good Aussie pie and pasties, too.

Keep on having fun.

January 29, 2010 2:02 am  
Blogger Mike Golch said...

Carol,GDAY and a Happy Birthday.

January 29, 2010 2:04 am  
Blogger Ingrid said...

It's a pity I live so far away, I would have invited myself to so much fun ! lol !

January 29, 2010 2:57 am  
Blogger Margaret Cloud said...

Looks like fun, you do know how to have great parties, everybody sure looks like they are having a great time.

January 29, 2010 7:26 am  
Blogger Merle said...

G'Day Dear Jan ~~ Great photos of the family all having fun. I am sure you all enjoyed the food, fun and games. I am glad that Carol had such a good 50th birthday and lots of happy memories.
Thanks for your comments about the Digger story - it was a good one and there is an American version with GIs so I hear.
The cooler days have been great and
it is strange that we call 35 etc cool !!! Take care my friend.
Love, Merle.

January 29, 2010 11:12 am  
Blogger  Gigi Ann said...

It's always fun when family gets together for a fun time.

January 29, 2010 12:02 pm  
Blogger Peter said...

Happy Birthday Carol... you're catching up to me, I used to be 25 times your age now I'm not even twice your age!!
Great photos Jan, wish I could have been there.

January 29, 2010 12:36 pm  
Blogger Puss-in-Boots said...

Happy birthday, Carol. You had your party the same day as I had mine. My weekend plus a couple of days was pretty hectic as well. Looks like you all had a great time and Jen, you took way more photos than I managed to.

January 31, 2010 7:17 pm  
Blogger Lady Di Tn said...

Happy Belated Burpday to Carol. Looks like a marvelous fun weekend had by all. Peace

February 03, 2010 8:22 am  
Blogger Pamela said...

that looked like a wonderful wonderful time.

I want to come next year!

February 04, 2010 1:15 pm  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Happy belated birthday Carol! What a great idea to combine your 50th with Australia Day celebrations - Oi Oi Oi!
Love the outfits - I always wear something Aussie at our Aust. Day party here, and this year one of my friends said "It's about time we all followed Gina's example, and wore something with an Australian theme to her parties". I guess next year's party will be worth photographing!

February 07, 2010 1:22 am  
Blogger Jim said...

Hi Jan, this is a wonderful rundown of Cazz's 50th party. You have a very nice family and nice looking too!
Happy (late) Birthday to Carol!

You are a bit younger than I am, three of my kids are over 50, Tim will be 50 next year. And Baby Karen turned 35 last July.

Glad to see you are posting again some. I do hope the old (??) eyes will keep on perking up some more.

February 08, 2010 6:25 pm  
Blogger Janice Seagraves said...

Happy B-day Carol!

It looks like your party was a lot of fun!


February 09, 2010 2:04 pm  
Blogger Carole Burant said...

My goodness, I didn't realize I had missed this post, good thing I came to check up on you! lol I so enjoyed looking at all the pictures taken on Carol's birthday, what a fun time you all had:) I'll say one thing, you Aussie's sure know how to throw a fabulous party!! hehe xoxo

February 10, 2010 6:16 am  
Blogger Tinsie said...

Looks like everyone had a fab time! Happy belated birthday to Carol :-)

February 13, 2010 10:18 pm  
Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I cannot get over how much 'Aussieness' there was there... makes me homesick... thank you so much for the wishes... never thought I would see the day we would get our referral... looks like we will travel at the end of March or hoping at least the beginning of April... hugs to ya... I know you have left a few messages and wish I could have gotten back to you earlier... things have been crazy and I got SO many comments, emails, phone calls, texts etc that I can't seem to get to everyone to answer them personally so I want to thank you now for your wishes on our adoption and thank you for sharing it with us... it is very much apprecaited... a little Aussie in the making... take care...

February 18, 2010 2:17 pm  
Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

P.S... What I wouldn't do for a meat pie, a piece of Pav or Custard Pie, and Snag Sanger... ummmmm...

February 18, 2010 2:18 pm  
Blogger Heart of Rachel said...

That looks like a great and fun birthday celebration. Everyone looks so happy. Belated Happy Birthday to Carol.

March 09, 2010 12:50 am  

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