Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yarrawonga Christmas /New Year

G'day everyone ,

To start with I would like wish you all a Happy & Safe Newyear 2010.

My house is now empty till next weekend. (thats another post) It has been overflowing with family and friends, 22 in all.
My home resembled a camping ground with a Caravan, a family size tent and a few cars taking up most of the backyard. I had a lovely Christmas / New Year being spoilt and waited on,the Girls doing the shopping and preparing all meals , drinks served, every time I had an empty glass it was refilled very quickly.

But thats not all. Gary (Son) and Alan his (B.I.L) gave my fernery a garden makeover cutting my plants back and completely redoing the pond with Gary adding water features and flood lights, Not forgetting Marc and Colin for there help and also taking all the rubbish to the tip..

A Big thank to one and all 'xxxxxxxxx.

First to arrive setting up tent near caravan

Marc taking his baby son Aiden 12 weeks for his first dip in the pool
Marc and Gary in the water proud mum Kristy taking a photo

It must be hot im in the water with Kara and liam


clearing everything out to start fresh

all complete clean up time.

Gary Needed the shovel to lean on Oh boy! did his back suffer
all clean you can see the fish thats a water lily in the pot
and will hide the hoses and pump when it grows

all cut back

All lit up . Penny inspecting Gary's good work
Doesnt it look good the photo doesnt do it justice.
Gary having a well deserved rest before a swim

After a swim time for few drinks

L/r Ian, Alan,Chris,Cazz, Donna,( Chris sister) and Joanne

Liam listening to music on his Ipod


Emma 5 months playing with "sophie lee"
Joanne with her Step grandaughter Emma. Ohhh!!! It made me feel old with my Daughter getting called Nanny

Grandkids having fun it was so hot all were trying to stay in the shade of the umbrella's

Kara Rylie with her Puppy "Sophie Lee" 8weeks old Toy Poodle

Cocky trying to get a drink out the A/c
newyears eve
Of cause I couldnt leave the dogs out Christine's Molly (Black) and joanne's dog Jack

My Wish for You in 2010
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had forget your home address!
In simple words ............May 2010 be the best year of your life!!!
I promise to get around to visiting u all in the next few days .
CHEERS \_/ \_/ \_/



Blogger Merle said...

Dear Jan ~~ Nice to see a post from you and what a hectic time you have had. Gary has done a great job on your already wonderful garden. The photos are really lovely, thanks for sharing them with us.
How is your eyesight my friend? Is it much better with your new glasses? I do hope so.
It sure has been hot all right,but tomorrow is supposed to be a good day 13 overnight and about 25 max so that will be great. Glad you enjoyed my post and "How much do you earn in an hour?" was a good story. Take good care dear friend
and keep cool. Enjoy the cooler
days, back to 41 on Friday.
Lots of Love, Merle.

January 16, 2010 11:36 pm  
Blogger Marjorie said...

Hi Jen, I'm glad you had a great Xmas and New Year.
I love your garden. The guys did a good job :)
I envy your warm weather and that great pool. I would love to jump in that water.
How are your eyes? I hope much better.
Great pictures of your family and the critters. Molly and Jack are adorable. Very cute of Emma and Sophie Lee :)
I hope you have a healthy 2010. Cheers!

January 17, 2010 12:48 am  
Blogger Charlotte said...

Hi Jen,
Thanks for the visit and nice comments. Looks like you got the new year started off good. Great pictures. I'm sorry for your sister - happy for you. I hope you have a wonderful year.

January 17, 2010 1:48 am  
Blogger Hootin Anni said...

Welcome back to blogland dear!! You've been sorely missed...but hey...with family like that spoiling you to the core...I can understand just WHY you've been absent. And all the wonderful yard work all done for you...can I borrow a few of your relatives come Springtime?

Love the '1st dip in the pool' photo that is just too too precious.

Sounds to me like you had a wonderful time all in all. That's what life is all about.

Your family, including all the fur babies are perfect!!

January 17, 2010 2:36 am  
Blogger Ingrid said...

Wow ! you must have had a wonderful time with all your family around you and your garden looks like Versailles, now, lol !Nice family pictures too ! You are so lucky to have such a warm and sunny weather we are sitting here in the cold and even snow at Christmas.

January 17, 2010 3:12 am  
Blogger Pamela said...

I come by just to say YARRAWONGA ...
but what a delightful set of photos.

I didn't realize you had that little water feature. Quite lovely.

January 17, 2010 9:14 am  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Happy New Year Jeanette! Thanks for dropping in at my blog and leaving a comment - great to have you back online. I gather your eyes are in good nick?
Your back yard is stunning - no wonder you always have family and friends coming by! Oh I don't mean that they don't come to see you too, lol!!
I've been sending you a few jokes, but not as often as I send to Merle, as I didn't know whether you were able to read them, but I'll go back to sending them all to you now. You and Merle can fight over which blog you post them on -lmao!

January 17, 2010 8:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention your Michael Jackson personating to the "thriller" and the most precious comment of all is the glass that had a hole init!!!

signed Anonymous (so i dont get in trouble)

January 18, 2010 3:06 pm  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi Jeanette, Happy New year to you too. The guys did a good job of your garden and pond. I never seem to have any luck with water lillies, I'm not sure why. Bob.

January 19, 2010 12:18 am  
Blogger Peter said...

Good to hear that you are catching your breath before the next onslaught Jan, great family photos.
I read about a water feature in Gary's fb but didn't realise it was for your garden/pool area, they did a great job there.

January 19, 2010 1:11 pm  
Blogger Carole Burant said...

It always seems so surreal to me that it's so hot over there at Christmas time when here we're freezing and buried in snow:-) I so enjoyed looking at your pictures and it looks like everyone was having a great time. Thank goodness for the pool as well!! I just love the way your pond looks, what a great job the guys did redoing it all. Wishing you all the very best in 2010 my friend. xoxo

January 20, 2010 7:13 am  
Blogger Margaret Cloud said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas. It seems like you have a house full and bet there was a lot of fun to be had. Enjoyed all your photos. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2010, God Bless. Thanks for coming by.

January 21, 2010 2:21 am  
Blogger Lady Di Tn said...

The guys did a great job on the fernery. Looks like a splashing good holidays for all. Peace

January 21, 2010 7:57 am  
Blogger  Gigi Ann said...

Loved the pictures, looks like you all had a good time. The flower garden the boys did for you looks great. What a great job they did for you. Thank them for me. hehe

January 22, 2010 6:14 am  
Blogger Tinsie said...

Happy new year! From your photos, it looks as if it's started well. Long may the good times continue.

January 23, 2010 6:40 am  
Blogger  Gigi Ann said...

I received a fun blog award today, and was to pass it on to three other bloggers. The award is at my blog waiting for you to pick it up if you are interested. You will find it at

January 27, 2010 1:47 pm  

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