Gday everyone,
Why have I been so long away from blogging this time .. Well !! I've been kept busy bowling , doing a little gardening, (Photo's later) the normal household chores ... then to top it all off I lost my telephone and along with it went the internet. It took TELSTRA 8 days to get it up and running. So here I am, back and ready to share lifes little things again !!!
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but Donna won the "Boystown Lottery" last Novemeber which was a house in Buderim QLD and a new Mercedes car. Donna and Brett and kids spent Christmas at the house and decided it wasn't a "holiday home" it was more suited to executive style living, so they put it on the market, and the house was sold and handover is mid May. Donna suggested that Carol, Joanne and myself head up North and spend a "bonding" weekend before handover . Well you didnt have to ask us all twice, Donna made the arrangements and off we went. We spent 4 days together, shopping, eating, drinking and a little sight seeing thrown in - it was just a wonderful time. You cant visit up North without putting a phone call through to
Peter, and as expected he made the short journey down and spent Sunday with us all .. the angel amongst the devils .. or in his own words "he now knows what Hugh Heffner felt like - surrounded by beautiful women !!! such a card and character but we love him dearly. Peter decided to spend the night and help us pack up in the morning before heading back home. I took a few snaps .. surprise surprise, keep scrolling down, and enlarge if needed.

Thursday night we stayed at "The Mantra " in Tullamarine, close to airport just to make sure we didnt get caught in the early morning traffic and miss out book in. Having a night cap in the lounge at the hotel.
Friday morning , breakfast at Macca's at the airport before we fly out.
In the clouds
Arriving on the Sunshine Coast .. we left Melbourne wet and cold, arrived to a lovely sunny and warm day - first stop change of clothes!
Donna and Carol On the tarmac
L/R Donna, Carol and Joanne collecting our luggage.
Front entrance to the house
The House
Dinning & living area - The house was fully furnished, as you see it is how they received it. I fell in love the light fittings, so unusual, the pics dont do them justice.
I had to share this with you all, the tree is growing around a large volcanic rock - it gave the impression of a large bonsai. It also attracted bats of a night, spotlights were placed around the base lighting it up of a night to try and deter the little NOISY critters.
Saturday we spent strolling along the beach at Mooloolaba, shopping along the esplanade, and having lunch on the wharf.
Joanne out on the rocks
Testing the water
Having lunch at "The Wharf " Mooloolaba
The area is all built on and amongst volcanic rocks, which makes for some lovely landscaping. The back garden at the house, very steep but perfect for native ferns and palms.
Upstairs looking down on the terrace - Peter having a chin wag with the girls.
All packed and ready to leave for home.
Peter "Hugh Heffner" Holtie and the girls
Leaving the Sunshine coast and heading home.
Leaving the Queensland shores

After a few drinks on board, the girls decided to have a quick nap

About 1 hr out from Tullamarine Melbourne Airport

Decending comming in to land at Tullermarine, Melbourne.
Colin and the kids were at the airport waiting to collect Joanne. Carol, Donna and myself headed home (Carol driving) 3 hrs to Yarrawonga - We arrived home approx 9.30pm Monday night.
Carol stayed with me ONCE again, mothers day being the following Sunday. Ian and Serayha come up Saturday, we all then went to Donnas on Sunday to celebrate my milestone Mothers Day .. yes it was my 50th one (shhhh dont tell Carol I let the cat out the bag) - we had a lovely lamb roast followd by hot apple pie and ice-cream. The only thing I have to do now is DIET DIET DIET, I need to drop all those extra kg's - but what fun it was putting it on.
Until next time my friends, stay safe and well. Jeanette
Labels: Queensland trip
Hi Jean,
Congrats to Donna for the "Boystown Lottery"
It looks like you gals had a lot of fun, and that house was lovely.
Hope your Mother's day was a good one.
Love to all.
signed Hugh.
Hi Jeanette its good to see you back in action. That looks a really nice place you went to visit and something well worth winning, I guess the upkeep of it would be expensive though. Anyway it was good that you had a good time and made the most of it while you could. Bob.
Hi Jen, How exciting for Donna winning a house and being able to sell it so quickly.
Did she keep the Mercedes? I have to tell you we had two and they cost a fortune to maintain. I think she should turn it in for a Lexus, that is what we did and it is virtually maintenance free and more comfortable.
I'm happy to see you all having so much fun. Take care. Marjorie
G'day Dear Jan ~~ I am so glad you had such a lovely trip to The House
They look so nice in the brochures.
Good on Donna for taking you all on the trip. Glad Hugh got down to see you all - he would be in his element.
Your photos were really nice and we felt like part of it.
Sorry about your loss of phone & Internet. Telstra took the same time to get my going awhile back.
I had a good Mother's Day too and heard from all the kids, boys visited as they are closest.
Hasn't it got cold suddenly with
frosts all week. Guess it will
get worse. Thank goodness for heaters & Electric blankets.
I borrowed one of your jokes tonight for my blog. I hope this doesn't end our friendship!!!!
Lots of Love Jan, Merle.
A lottery. What fun to win such an unusal house. Looks like fun was had on the farewell tour and I LOL at the term "chin wag". Glad to see you back to bloggin even for a little while. Peace
My mouth still looks like an O ! How lucky she was to win this wonderful house ! I hope she got a good price for it, it looks gorgeous ! I never won anything, not even a Teddybear !
Looks as if you had a great time !
Hi Jen. Belated Happy Mother's Day!
Glad you had a nice trip. That house is gorgeous.
Jan, that was a wonderful weekend! You have them regularly I have decided. Either at home or away.
Your blog title reminded me of the nursery rhyme, (by Mother Goose)
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."
You did a lot more than the scare the mouse. It is nice that Donna could win that home. She is the closest to knowing someone who has won a big prize that I may ever know. [I do wish she would write more on your blog--she did so good when you were out.]
How wonderful... that she won that. Oh man, dream come true.
laughing at peter hefner holtie. cute.
Wow, what a weekend, Jan. I love the Wharf at Mooloolaba...great food. Mooloolaba Beach is also one of my favourites and that's a great photo with Point Cartwright in the background.
What an incredible house and what a thrill to win it! I bet it was an incredible day that day. Wonderful!
Glad to see you enjoyed your time with "Hugh"...but has he got the dosh the real Hef has??? Therein lies the difference...
Hello Jen
Good to have you back again - its awful to be without the internet but to lose thephone as well just adds insult to injury.
Now that looked like a real fun girly trip - nice house, but as you say totally unlivable in (hope that made sense)
Is Donna still talking to you after publishing that 'lovely' photo of her on the plane lol
BTW I now have a new blog called Still Waters - Drop in some time, I'd love to see you
Take care
Jan ~ That looks like such a cool trip. It reminds me of when Mrs. LZ and I flew from Sydney up to Coolengatta Airport and then spent a week and a half touring around Surfers Paradise and Brisbane. A beautiful part of your country! ~ jb///
You lost your PHONE?? Does that mean it was a cordless one, and you misplaced it? Other than that, I can't imagine losing our phone. Unless you meant that you lost the connection. Duh. I give up. Not that it's any of my business :-0
Donna is the first person I have ever known of personally (well, through you) who has won one of those Boystown raffles. Ken used to always buy tickets, until I said 'Don't waste your money, they wouldn't really give away all that stuff in a raffle'. Goes to show how much I know.
What fabulous luck to win that house & car! I have always thought I would onsell! Lovely to enjoy the luxury for a spell though. Good luck to all of you!
love megxx
Looks like a fun trip. Hope you got caught up on your rest!
Just checking in on you, Jeanette. You've been quiet for over a month - everything allright?
Hi Jeanette, I've not heard anything of you in a while I hope you're ok.
Hi jen, Not heard from you lately (except on Facebook)not blogging anymore then? Glad to hear you all had a good time at the Lotteries expense.
Hi Jen, thanks so much for your lovely long comment on my blog - it was great to see you there! Merle has just told me that you are okay, but busy with bowls and Facebook (traitor!!). Hope you haven't been flooded out. The rain is wonderful, but we don't need a year's supply all at once...
Hi Jan., hope this finds you well.
I will come back later to catch up with your posts but right now I want to invite you to my Sock Hop birthday party on my blog...we're doing the Jitterbug! hehe xoxo
Hi Jan ~~ Lovely to hear from you, but sorry you had another ouch day.
I hope you feel better by now and have a break from bowls. Glad you enjoyed my jokes, and the floods have been all around with lots of road closures around here too. I see Nathalia are about to get it next. Our cricketers are having a bad time aren't they?
Peter will have had his first cataract removed by now, today, so hope he is OK ~ I will try ringing tonight. The weather has been very
humid hasn't it. More like Q'ld,
but we will survive. Take great care dear friend, Love, Always, Merle.
Just stopping by to say hello!
I am glad you had a nice trip.
Great photos too!
Have a nice Sunday.
Dear Jan ~~ Thank you so much for your comments and I enjoyed seeing you too when you called in. Now the days are getting warmer, we may both feel better. I sleep such a lot, not just in bed, but in a chair, any chair, any where, nearly went to sleep in the toilet one day, but at least I am not in pain.
I will ask my case worker about the indoor ramp, but I have great news that DVA
agreed to the outdoor ramp and will pay for it. I hope it is done fairly soon.
Take great care dear friend, are you able to bowl Jan? I hope so as you enjoy bowls. I hope you are not having more pain.
Love Always, Merle. xoxo
Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Do you have an email address that I can contact you on? Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
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