Gday everyone. Not a lot to report . Ive bowled a couple times this week . last Tuesday few of our bowlers including me travelled by bus with our A1 pennant team to Corowa to watch and support them in the pennant semi final. Yay!!!! they won now into grandfinal to be played next Tuesday so 7.30am bus back to Corowa. ill take Camera try to take a few photo's for another post..
Now on with a few photo's
I started this project before my eye operation ,as you all know I had to becareful and wasn't allowed out in garden. Yippee the weathers been nice and ive been able to get back in the garden and get my hands dirty .
Please click on an any or all to enlarge for a better Look

Bromiliads old home

Start of new project. After watching a Tv garden show I decide to try my luck at putting some of my bromiliads on a steel mesh and hessian frame.
You see in the wire in background I originally had it put up to grow Sweetpeas but changed my mind and now use it to hang a few Bromiliads on boards or in small pots.

Must say I was very pleased with the end results. Then one job led to another, extentsion to exsisting fernery and new shade cloth the whole length of fernery and fence painted .

Started to move bromiliads in then decided on shade cloth to protect them from winter frost

Bromiliads moved out while shade cloth was put in place. you say why move , well he wasnt the most gentle person in the garden with a few plants getting knocked about and broken in the process of replacing other shade cloth and a few repairs along the way.

Above and below a few close ups

This one seemed to come into flower overnight the next two are close up of same plant a few days apart.

another close up

Complete but still might move some about in here

move complete It looks so bare now
Next job to clean up and move a few of my other plants here.
Cheerio for now im off to watch the winter Olympics live on television.
And slowly making my way around to visiting you all...
Labels: Bromiliads
Jeanette, I love your garden, your plants are beautiful, look healthy and happy. I'm glad you are having fun and that you are healthy again. Enjoy the Olympics.
G'day to you Jen. I love all your shares...the plants are absolutely gorgeous. Around here, they don't do well outdoors...gets way too cold for 'em...and I have a BROWN thumb for indoor plants it seems.
Hope you're doing well my friend. It's always nice to see you visit with me.
You lucky girl ! everything blooming and no rain !
G'Day Dear Jan ~~ Your garden is beautiful and you have done well with all the moving and setting the Bromiliads in their new setting. It all looks terrific and you can be very proud of your efforts.
Thanks for your comments and I am glad you enjoyed the jokes esp Mum
going to bed and all she had to do first. I'm off to see another doctor in the morning so see what she says.My feet are not quite so swollen, but it has been cooler,
and hasn't that been great?
Take care, dear friend, Love,Merle.
Oh Jeanette, your garden is the perfect advertisement for Victoria - The Garden State! One thing we cannot do where I am is grow plants like that without spending squillions of dollars on bringing topsoil in :-(
I'm so glad you feel up to your old self again. And well enough to work in your garden, too.
You have the prettiest garden and nicest blooms. I like the new changes too.
How I'd love to be able to sit by your garden and just admire all the flowers and plants. You have such unusual flowers in Australia, so much more exotic than ours over here, just gorgeous. I'm so glad that you are now able to do what you want with no mom was so happy to be able to bend over to pick up things again after her 2 week checkup! lol xoxo
Hi Jeanette, your garden is looking really good. Do those Bromilaids survive outdoors all winter? How are your Fuchsia's doing this year?
Jan ~ What a beautiful garden! That tree on the top one is one we had back in California that we used to call Australian Tree Ferns. I always wondered if that was what you guys called then down under? Who knows... you could call them American Tree Ferns? ~ jb///
I loved all the pictures, especially the statues of the children and the very pretty pink flower. You did a great job with all the arrangements. Have a nice day.
Your bromeliads look terrific hung on the wire, Jen. You have some beautiful ones, too. They are such a spectacular plant, aren't they and so easy to look don't!
Now you've got room for some more.
Hi Jen. How are you? It's been a while.
It's nice to see your lovely garden so full of life and color.
Hi Jeanette, I was just reading what Merle said about the storms you've been having over there and was wondering if everything was okay with you.
Hey nice looking gardens. Peaceful and a good bench to sit and reflect ones day. Peace
Hi Jeanette, just thought I'd leave a line here to see if you are don't usually leave it so long between posts!
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