lake Mulwala Continued

My rants, raves, reviews and braggings. With a little Aussie humor thrown in!!
At the end of my street the two cruise boats, Paradise Queen and Lady Murray partly hidden
The Paradise Queen
A nice stroll along here leads to the traffic bridge
The traffic bridge that Separates Victoria from New South Wales
Labels: My Garden
View from the memorial looking down over Albury.
Albury Food & Wine Festival
With the sun shining on a glorious spring morning, we booked out of the motel, and decided to check out the food & wine festival. We were among the first to arrive.
There were over 65 local food & wine growers promoting, & selling there wares. The hardest part of the day for me, was deciding which wines, after sampling, to buy, they were all good and as the day got on, even the "mouth puckering" variety were starting to taste all right !!!!.
For Ian, it was "Oh boy, food, beer, food, beer". I think he sampled most of the food, and DEFINITELY all the beer.
They also had some great Jazz bands playing through out the day, also events organised for the kids - sack races, face painting, finger painting, petting zoo (baby animals). The admittance cost was $5 adults or $12 for family. We had a great day, and looking around us, so did many others.
My son Michael, turned 23 on 4th October. I havent really spoken about Michael previously... let me explain.
Michael was diagnosed in 1997, aged 14yrs, as a paranoid psychotic schizophrenic. He spent alot of time in and out of adolescent mental institutions, which was a very hard & trying time for all. As an adult, Michael has done his fair share of hospitalisations also. I wont go into all the trials and tribulations of trying to raise, protect, and shelter someone you love so endlessly, let alone the frustrations. But I will say this ' without the love and support of my family, I would have been lying in the bed next to him!" Michael is not able to co-exist, so he has his own place, and is doing extremely well at this present time, but I am always aware that this can change quicker than you can blink an eye. Due to his paranoia I refrain from posting things that relate to or involve Michael, but as this is a special day, I asked him for his permission before writing this blog.
Here he is pictured below with my brother Gary, his best mate.
Well thats about it for me this week, hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and the sun is shinning down upon you.
4 July 1936 - 7 October 2004
My darling Alan
My life changed forever
When you were taken from me two years ago today
And I still ask why you were taken away so soon.
Alan you were the love of my life
The hardest part is living life without you
I sense your presence at times,
Which gives me the strength to go on
Thinking of you every minute of every day
You are always in my heart.
Thank you for the precious memories
That are mine to hold onto forever and a day
Carol, Gary, Donna & Joanne would like to share with you all the following reading that they wrote & Carol read at Alans funeral service.
Dad, you were our teacher
From you we learned the rules of right and wrong
You gave us strength, hope and courage
You taught us to stand up, be ourselves,
You encouraged us to strive and achieve.
But most of all you showed us how to love each other,
Be there for each other, to stick together, be a united front.
There were times when we rebelled,
You would just look at us with “the look”
Arguments would follow, but stubborn we would remain.
You would just shake your head,
and eventually accepted that we just had to do, and learn for ourselves.
How lucky we were to have been loved so well.
You were proud of us all,
In so many different ways.
You were our rock,
The person we turned to, looked up to and respected
You saw us through the good times
and guided us through the hard times.
Your were not one to express “mush” and sentiment
You didn’t need to, we knew, we were your life, and you knew, you were ours.
We will miss you though we know you are here beside us
We will miss your arguments, laughter, and fun,
We will miss so much, we cant even express
But most of all, we will miss your love, though ours for you remains
You were, are and will be, just as ever, In many minds and hearts, not only ours.
Dad lives in those he left behind, His loved ones and his mates
And so Dad, goodbye does not mean you are gone, so long as we still love you, you live on.
A fallen Redgum on the edge of Murray River