Carol's Aussie Birthday bash
Gday all , Ive been in the land of missing once again.
WOW what a long weekend ive had, all the family arrived friday evening and stayed on till Tuesday as you will see by the pictures below it was Carol's (Cazz) birthday Saturday 23rd held at Brett and Donna's and being Australia day 26th long weekend Carol ask everyone to come dressed casual in Aussie theme.
Then Sunday it was all back to my home for for a BBQ lunch and a few more drinks these Pictures will make another blog.. A Great fun filled weekend was had by all.
Please click to enlarge any or all the pics,

The birthday Cake A typical Aussie Pavalova covered in cream and chocolate mint crisp ohhh so yummy what else do you have with Australiaday party theme.
The table laden with Aussie fare, Party pies, sausage rolls still in the oven .
Carol and Hubby Ian It also happened to be there 10th wedding anniversary
Carol. Joanne(standing)Christine (Gary's wife)Kristy (Marc's wife) and Donna
All dressed in our Aussie gear about to leave for the party
Joanne ,Colin with their 3, Timothy 10 Kara 8 Liam 6
Marc having a drink before we leave
HEHEHE Carol and Myself showing of our Tatts..
Carol with her Son Michael and Daughter Serayha
My 4 all together. Gary, birthday girl Carol, Joanne and Donna
Singing happy birthday
Carol having a bit of fun
Carol getting the 1st slice of Pav.
Gary and Terry ( Nephew) having a drink and a chinwag
all lined up to start 3leggered race
Guess who won the three legged race
Carol had to have first hit at the Pinata with kids lined up for there turn all kids recieved a bag of sweets once it was broken, Duck Marc Carol nearly gottcha .
Maddison Getting into the action
WOW what a long weekend ive had, all the family arrived friday evening and stayed on till Tuesday as you will see by the pictures below it was Carol's (Cazz) birthday Saturday 23rd held at Brett and Donna's and being Australia day 26th long weekend Carol ask everyone to come dressed casual in Aussie theme.
Then Sunday it was all back to my home for for a BBQ lunch and a few more drinks these Pictures will make another blog.. A Great fun filled weekend was had by all.
Please click to enlarge any or all the pics,

Marc steading the post incase it fell when hit
Kara's concentrating on her aim
Kids trying to catch the Donut in their mouth without using their hands under the Aussie flag
Think the kids were having fun playing musical chairs.
To finish of the day Brett cooking an Aussie BBQ. Snags (Sausages) smothered in tomato sauce in bread and butter
Time to say Goodnight.

A wonderfull fun filled day night weekend was had by all.
Labels: Birthday Cazz 50