Reporting In !!!!
G'day everyone, sorry about the lack of posts, but we have had a very busy time here. So much to be done, so many places to visit - doctors, specialists, catching up with old friends and visits from family members and in the middle of it all we had used up all Mum's broadband useage for the month .. oooopppps .. let me tell you "Not a happy Jan".. LMAO ... soooooo ... let me fill you all in on the going ons.
* Mum has had a slight setback in both eyes, she now has fluid in the retina, its a very rare occurance, I think the specialist said 1 / 10,000 .. naturally my mother is one of them ! There is nothing that can be done except MORE drops and time. We went back to specialist on Wednesday and I'm happy to report a slight improvement (reduction in fluid) but Mums sight has deteriated slightly. We have our fingers crossed that it will improve again once the fluid has dispersed.
* Aunty Pauline had her 6mth check up at her oncologist, and we are happy to report all is well and she doesnt have to go back for another 12mths. BIGGGG sigh of relief.
* Mums friend and neighbour Marge suffered a heart attack, and ambulanced down to Melbourne. We are happy to report she is now back home with a pacemaker and doing extremely well. I'm affectionately known as "meals in slippers" as I cook and take there evening meal into them .. I'm just lucky they are not fussy eaters !
Well thats enough about the nursing reports ... think I'm just about qualified now - could be an optimologist with all the new learnings !
* I would like to thank Merle for her phone calls and chats with mum, your a very special lady - THANK YOU xxooxx
Ones chores dont end just with nursing .. ohhh nooooo .. along with cook, cleaner, go getter, my side line is dog groomer and walker ... and what a job that is. My hubby Ian come up for the week end and brought along my babies for a little TLC.
Here I am grooming Penny, with my babies Zoey, Milly and Bonnie eagerly awaiting their turn.

All a bit to much for Penny... here she is catching a few ZZZZZZZ's
Joanne, Colin and tribe along with Tanya, Rod and there tribe arrived last weekend for a catch up visit and the first seasonal dip in the pool .. and what a hot one it was 38 - 40 deg C.
Heres Jack, Jo & Cols baby - sire to Milly & Bonnie .. we affectionately refer to him as "Sir Humpalot" !
I have been here at mums for over a month now, and will be heading home later next week if all goes well to catch up with my chores at home .. grrrrr .. then I shall be returning early next month to do the rounds of the doctors and specialists again. Lady Jen has had her orders to abstain from the computer and gardening, but I know I'm wasting my breath, but at least I've tried !!!
Stay safe, be happy until next time we chat !!!
* Mum has had a slight setback in both eyes, she now has fluid in the retina, its a very rare occurance, I think the specialist said 1 / 10,000 .. naturally my mother is one of them ! There is nothing that can be done except MORE drops and time. We went back to specialist on Wednesday and I'm happy to report a slight improvement (reduction in fluid) but Mums sight has deteriated slightly. We have our fingers crossed that it will improve again once the fluid has dispersed.
* Aunty Pauline had her 6mth check up at her oncologist, and we are happy to report all is well and she doesnt have to go back for another 12mths. BIGGGG sigh of relief.
* Mums friend and neighbour Marge suffered a heart attack, and ambulanced down to Melbourne. We are happy to report she is now back home with a pacemaker and doing extremely well. I'm affectionately known as "meals in slippers" as I cook and take there evening meal into them .. I'm just lucky they are not fussy eaters !
Well thats enough about the nursing reports ... think I'm just about qualified now - could be an optimologist with all the new learnings !
* I would like to thank Merle for her phone calls and chats with mum, your a very special lady - THANK YOU xxooxx
Ones chores dont end just with nursing .. ohhh nooooo .. along with cook, cleaner, go getter, my side line is dog groomer and walker ... and what a job that is. My hubby Ian come up for the week end and brought along my babies for a little TLC.

Heres Jack, Jo & Cols baby - sire to Milly & Bonnie .. we affectionately refer to him as "Sir Humpalot" !
I have been here at mums for over a month now, and will be heading home later next week if all goes well to catch up with my chores at home .. grrrrr .. then I shall be returning early next month to do the rounds of the doctors and specialists again. Lady Jen has had her orders to abstain from the computer and gardening, but I know I'm wasting my breath, but at least I've tried !!!
Stay safe, be happy until next time we chat !!!
PS: Lady Jen will be around to visit you all shortly ... in small bursts I hope !!!!