Gday all.
I Hope you are all keeping well and healthy, and the weathers kind to you where ever you maybe.We have had some lovely sunny days , last night we got some much needed rain,a couple of very heavy down pours enough to water the garden, No sign of rain today but the weather is much cooler today and central heating on ..
Iwent to Drs and had my Pre admission today, go into hospital Thursday for my procedure Friday.Also got good results from Blood Tests.
Now on with a few more Photo's of my trip..We went to quiet a few wineries in the Barossa but im only posting a couple of my favorites.
The House of grape liqueurs,wine,antiques & roses
Inside The Foyer

Above: One of the glass cabinets
A few Photo's of the Antiques in the grand ballroom.The collection from Early 18th and 19th century and has been collected from all over the world By Mr Thumm. The porcelain is mainly from France & Germany.
Please Click to enlarge all pics for a better view.
one of the many cabinets
A few glass cabinets aroung the room
this one is dated 1785
Just a few of antiques in glass cabinets
Pauline admiring one of the tables from the time of Louis xvi

this piece is from the
Baroque period

A couple more cabinets full of beautiful Dinner services
As you all can see the 3 of us made purchases here including a bottle of grape syrup each, if the wines not sweet enough for your taste you add a very small drop to sweeten or add to ice cream or a milk drink.. just a few uses for the grape syrup. Now out the back and into the rose garden
Alpine sunset Uk 1973
Coronation Gold
Amadeus red
Golden Years Yellow Harkness UK
WE Stopped here to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat for lunch .Carol headed to the bakery were she purchased a nice hot cup of potato and leek soup, Pauline and I went next door for A feed of fish and chips before hitting the road again.
While driving along we noticed a sign to the KEG factory, and of course we had to go have a look

A chair made from a Keg,(Barrel)
It was comfy but would think if filled with ice and drinks would be very cold on the rear end.
A few assorted kegs for sale.
Here one of the friendly staff was explaining the best way to use the small Keg.
The window you see is for viewing work in progress,Unfortunetly the workers had finished for the day.and couldn't see any in production

We were told at the visitors centre this was a must see To taste the Meads unique to this area, as we driving though this area of course we stopped to sample the Meads.Ports and wines that were on offer, I must say was well worth the stop . After tasting the warm Meads , ports and wines, we all come away feeling quite warm inside and very happy with our Purchases.I purchased Scarlet Mead (Chocolate and Cinnaman)Ohh so nice
,a white port and a couple of bottles of
Sweet red late harvest Cabernet Sauvigon.
Not a lot of photo's here I was tooooo busy tasting and forgot the about the camera in my pocket.
Their Motto is.
.,AND YES!! WE DO DRINK IT..I took these Photo's of the Murals on the vats depicting the history of wine making, I only took a few as there was quite a line of them

Now its time to find our Motel and get a good nights rest before we hit the road again .A few more days before we make it home.. Pt5 to follow..
Cheers \_/ \_/
Labels: Adelaide pt4